Thursday 18 August 2011

My crazy friends :) (part 2)

Braden: He is an amazing friend, he is so kind and helpful and is always there for me :) he has amazing hugs and we get each others comedy, so we have ALOT of funny times and good laughs, he is good company and great to be around, he helped me when I was going through a rough patch along side with some other great friends who will be mentioned on my blog :)

My crazy friends :) (part 1)

My best friend is Courtney, she is the blonde one in my photo, she is an amazing person. I love her so much, I have knwon her since year four! we have been friends ever since, and the fact that she is a year younger doesnt change the way I am with her, I am still myself and I trust her with my life as she tusts me to :) I am glad I met hr, I would be lost without her. I will defend her in anything, she has been through alot in life including having bulemia when she was 12. Courtney is more than a frind to m, she is like my sister, I would be lost without her. :)